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Offering Quality Training in Thai Massage, Massage

and Healing Arts

Are you interested in ...
  • starting a new fulfilling and rewarding career where you can help others? 

  • adding to your existing practice as a yoga practitioner/teacher or health practitioner?

  • acquiring a new skill to share with your friends and family?

  • personal development?

  • getting in touch with the body?

What we offer

Through our extensive experience and passion, we are here to bring you quality training in massage, Thai masssage and other healing arts.


This could be a start of a new career, continuing education for your existing practice or simply to learn a new skill. We provide small class sizes so that enough attention could be given to each student in order to learn properly. There would be lots of "doing" in terms of hands-on technique learning and practicing. Most importantly, we focus on giving with compassion and mindfulness.

We are affiliated with TMC, a world renown and Thai government accredited Thai massage school in Thailand and we are bringing you their teachings to Canada. We offer courses with certification that would be credited towards further education at TMC. We also offer other massage and healing arts courses that are certified under Heartspace Institute. Both Heartspace and TMC courses can be taken for continuing credential credits towards NHPC (Natural Health Practitioner of Canada).

Upcoming Trainings

Massage Trainings available in Vancouver and surrounding areas, as requested.

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Let's keep in touch!

A video preview of Foundation of Thai Massage Level 1 TMC affiliated course taught at Heartspace Institute of Massage and Healing Arts:

Foundation of Thai Massage

Foundation of Thai Massage

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Video credit and thanks: Star Pictures Corporation, NKLL Photographie, all the lovely people featured in it

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